David Cai | Blog

A Simple A/B Testing Service

Sun Aug 16, 2015

A/B testing

A very simple A/B testing service implemented in Angular – abTestService:

;(function() {
  'use strict';

    .module('abTest', [])
    .factory('abTestService', abTestService)

  function abTestService() {
    return {
      pick: pick

    function pick() {
      var i = Math.floor(Math.random() * arguments.length);
      return arguments[i];


abTestService has only one method – pick, which is to evenly pick one from many choices:

// a or b. 50% vs 50% chances
abTestService.pick('a', 'b');

// apple or orange. 50% vs 50%
abTestService.pick('apple', 'orange');

// a, b, or c. 1/3 vs 1/3 vs 1/3
abTestService.pick('a', 'b', 'c');

// a or b. 2/3 vs 1/3
abTestService.pick('a', 'a', 'b');

Here is an example of how to use abTestService with UI Router:

;(function() {
  'use strict';

    .module('myApp', [

  function configRoute($stateProvider) {
    $stateProvider.state('home', {
      url: '/',
      templateProvider: function(abTestService) { // Inject abTestService
        var result = abTestService.pick('a', 'b'); // Pick a or b

        // home-a.html or home-b.html
        return '<div ng-include="\'app/home-' + result + '.html\'"></div>';


To better explain the logic behind templateProvider, I created this post.

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