I’ve been reviewing a lot of Angular code lately. One common problem I found is the unnecessary use of deferred object to resolve and reject promises. In this post, I will illustrate a simplified approach. Another problem is a mix of then, catch, two callbacks in then, success, and error. I will go through each, and propose adopting a single style that can also be applied when using other Promise libraries.
Here is my collection of free tutorial videos. Could be really helpful for people new to Angular.
Copy, extend, and merge are parts of the utility functions come with Angular. This post explores their differences.
A very simple A/B testing service implemented in Angular – abTestService:
This post discusses how to create dynamic templates by leveraging the templateProvider configuration provided by Angular’s built-in router or the third-party UI Router.
Shall I use @ or = to bind scope variables? Their difference is very well explained in Angular’s documentation. However, this question still often pops up when I create directives. In this post, I listed some of the major differences between these two.